Corporate Massage Services with Lexi’s Healing Arts

Our goal is to develop a customized massage program that caters perfectly to your business and employees. We specialize in improving your workplace atmosphere and boosting employee productivity. Through on-site massage services, we assist employees in alleviating daily pressures and rejuvenating, enabling them to fully commit to their roles. Experience firsthand the advantages a massage program can bring to your organization!

The Benefits of Choosing Corporate Massage for Your Business

Introducing regular massage sessions in your office can bring about significant positive changes. When you schedule a wellness event for your employees you’re boosting morale, increasing retention, and fostering a positive atmosphere in the workplace.

Is your team feeling overwhelmed by constant pressure and daily demands?

Consider our corporate massage service as a strategic approach to alleviate stress and tension in your workspace. By incorporating regular massages into your business wellness program, you provide your employees with a valuable respite from their burdens. Consistent massage sessions restore their vitality, allowing them to recharge and refocus. Help your colleagues maintain equilibrium even during busy periods. Reach out to us to explore how incorporating our massage service into your company can enhance overall relaxation and well-being for everyone.

The perks go beyond just unwinding; workplace massage genuinely improves physical and mental wellness, driving more work done.

Investigations continuously demonstrate that representatives who get regular massages are more alert, centered, and motivated at their occupations. Investing in your laborers' well-being and prosperity winds up being speculation in the achievement and productivity of your organization. Studies consistently show that employees who receive regular massages are sharper, more engaged, and inspired in their work. Rather than seeing it as only a leisure activity, corporate massage positively impacts how workers feel and perform. When your team feels great, they can do their best.

Other Benefits

Tax Benefits and Cost Savings: Maximizing Tax Savings Through Employee Wellness

Investing in your employees' well-being can benefit your bottom line in unexpected ways. By offering health programs like corporate massage, your business becomes eligible for valuable tax deductions that lower your tax burden. These deductions work to decrease the total taxes owed, which means potential money saved for your company.

Keeping Valued Team Members

Showing you care about staff wellness through office massages can boost morale and loyalty. When people want to stay with the company long-term, it cuts down on replacement and retraining expenses. This translates into meaningful financial benefits for the business.

Improved Health and Lower Costs

When stress and tension are reduced through corporate massage, employee productivity improves. Feeling relaxed and reenergized, workers can focus better, stay motivated, and work efficiently. This benefits the company's financial outcomes.

Implementing a Corporate Massage Program in Your Workplace

Bringing massage therapies into the office environment can substantially improve staff wellness, happiness, and overall efficiency. However, launching such a program demands smart preparation and thought to guarantee its smooth incorporation into the work setting. Follow these steps and recommendations to skillfully provide the advantages of workplace massage to your team:

Assess Employee Interests and Needs

As you get started, you'll want to take the temperature of how receptive your employees may be to bringing massage therapy into the workplace. Launch a short survey or start an open dialogue to collect insights into what treatments folks would find most relaxing, how often they'd like sessions to be scheduled, and the best times during the workday for squeezing in some self-care. Gathering these preliminary perspectives can help you customize an offering that hits the sweet spot of meeting real needs.

Determine the Program Structure and Budget

When establishing your company's massage program, determine the format that will work best. Will you offer on-site sessions weekly or monthly? Choose a duration that allows employees to fully reap the benefits without disrupting workflows. Consider how much funding can support this investment in staff wellness over time. Providing massage promotes a healthier, happier team. This may seem like a small expense initially. But by reducing stress and boosting morale, you may see larger savings down the road through higher performance and fewer sick days. Prioritizing relaxation helps your business in the long run.

Create a Suitable Space for Massage Sessions

When designating an area for massage sessions, choose a location that allows employees to relax comfortably without distraction. Consider how dedicated wellness areas can recharge exhausted minds and refresh tired bodies during hectic workdays.

Communicate and Educate Employees

Share the exciting news of our new corporate massage program with your coworkers. Be sure to discuss the many health perks massages can provide. Host an informative session where you distribute materials covering how regular massage can improve both body and mind. Explain how it reduces stress, eases tension, and boosts energy. Invite everyone to experience these benefits firsthand by signing up for the wellness sessions. Your staff will feel supported working for a company invested in their well-being.

Establish a Scheduling System

Implement an easy-to-use scheduling system that enables employees to conveniently sign up for their preferred massage appointments. Consider providing adaptable alternatives to suit different schedules and fluctuating workloads. This provides structure to the event. No one wants to waste their time standing in line!

Evaluate and Adjust

Regularly assess the outcomes and impact of your corporate massage program. Collect feedback from employees to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance their experience.

Requirements and Expenses

See if your company qualifies for our wellness program.

To be a perfect fit the following must be met:

  1. Your company has a brick-and-mortar location with an easily accessible parking area. If it is pay-to-park, the fee will be added to the invoice. No street parking is allowed,

  2. There is a large enough space for all therapists to set up and work comfortably without the risk of collision. Generally, this would mean roughly 6 square feet of space per therapist hired.

  3. There is a wifi connection to connect music and a way to tell the time.

  4. Adequate lighting and temperature control.

  5. A trash can is available to dispose of waste generated from sanitization between clients.

Total pricing, duration, and amount of therapists needed vary on a case-by-case basis. This will be discussed over the phone or email.

Contact us to Book!
(815) 386-2441

1224 Plainfield RD, Darien IL, 60561